My poor neglected blog!! Maybe I should just delete you? Maybe I just needed some time away? It's been a long time since I've been on here. That's life huh? Too busy or too tired or lost the blogging mojo and just ignored it! Can't promise I'll do better either!! It's not like I haven't had things to write about, just life happens and don't always have the time. I could've written about Megan doing awesome at Jr Districts and winning 3 medals!! woot woot!! So proud of her. She really is a good swimmer, but she isn't sure she wants to stick with it. Think she is a little burned out or bored. Could be summer is coming up and she hates having to get up early ALL summer to go to practice, she says it's like going to school! Trying to figure out what we are going to do about that!! Hate to see her quit, maybe we can compromise.
I could've written about our new puppy Luna! We got her in January from a shelter in Decatur. It's all my friend Sharon's fault! She was getting a pup and I looked him up on Petfinder and saw he had sisters!!! LOL Long story short, we ended up getting Luna. She is a rat terrier blue healer mix and she is HYPER!!! OMG, forgot how much work pups are. Been a long time since we had a pup. I could talk about how the first 2 weeks I was weepy and felt guilty for getting a puppy, kinda felt weird after having Jake and Sadie for so long and then them passing and getting a new puppy. I know it's been awhile but still? Anyway Luna is doing great and we love her to pieces! I am just so ready for the puppy teeth to fall out! Ouch!!!!!!!!
I could've written about how it's been almost 3 years since Mom has gone and I still miss her every day. Sometimes so much that it physically hurts my chest. I do feel blessed to have had her in my life for 35 years, some people don't have that.
I could've written about how much I am looking forward to Spring and and seeing some color!! I noticed my tulips peeking out of the ground yesterday!! yay!! hey, it's the simple things that make me smile! Then Summer will be here and I do love my summers off with Megan!! :-) Can't wait to hang out in the pool! Wonder if Luna will get in?
I could've written about how my daughter turned 13 this year and I am officially the mom of a teen! wow! Time flies!! She is such a good kid, I hope it stays that way!! I'm not sure what I'll do if she turns into a brooding mouthy teenager. LOL Everybody says when girls turn 14 a switch flips on and watch out!! Speaking of Megan , she is still doing really well in school, was October's student of the month and continues to amaze me cause I'm not sure I could do her homework! LOL algebra and I are NOT friends.............
I could've written about My MIL Jennifer getting Megan and I hooked on this dark chocolate fudge popcorn that I can't find anywhere now!!!!! It's cruel really.....
I could've written about all the wonderful people in my life and how lucky I am to have them. How they lift me up when I need a pick me up, laugh at my stupid humor , and let me be ME.
I could've talked about meeting Deb for 3rd Sunday Market and how the walking tacos were gross but the rest of the day was great and I loved spending time with my sister. I am still laughing about that ugly red pipe cleaner Santa ornament ( that later spawned the video I made for Tina about Santa T Claus) lol !
I could've written about work and all the silly things that happen that make me laugh! Of coarse I'd have to change names to "protect the innocent" .
I could've written about how I catch Megan singing while she does chores and how she sometimes gets the words wrong and I crack up! My favorite was instead of " lay down sally, rest here in my arms" she sang " Dig down sally, I'll let you ride my horse!" Then I realized she probably gets that from me!! LOL We get quite musical around here!!
I could've written about my favorite books of the moment, love Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson Series) and can't wait for the latest book to get here! Or the Molly Harper series that was only 3 books and I could have read way more! Then there's the Stephanie Plum series, 17 is coming out this summer!! ( see a pattern here, I like series!) Although since Luna has arrived my reading time has dwindled to barely nothing!!! It's hard to read when she is trying to eat the book or barking nonstop because I am not playing with her!
I could've written about our trip to New York and Niagara Falls. That was awesome!!!! So glad we got to go and see the sights! NYC was crazy!! I am so a country girl, but it was fun to see. No way to be bored there on vacation. So much to see and do. Riding the subway was kinda scary at first. LOL Megan and Shae Hated that!!!! ) Shae is Meg's BFF that went with us! Anyway we saw the Statue of liberty from the Staten Island ferry, went to Central park , ate NY style pizza of coarse which was awesome!!, went to China town, Little Italy, Times Square, Ground Zero, Wall Street, got stuck in traffic in the Lincoln Tunnel for HOURS and I really had to pee!!! saw lots of "interesting" people, smelled lots of smells ( some very EWWW) and stepped around passed out people on the sidewalks at night (freaky). Niagara Falls was cool, very pretty and I loved walking in the water at 3 sisters falls ( not sure if we were suppose to but other people were doing it!!) Loved the tours and all that touristy stuff. And we got so lucky, we went in August and while it was 100 here it was in the 70's there! yay!! On the way home stopped in Hershey, PA. Loved it! wanna go back! Beautiful place and loved the little chocolate kiss lamp posts around town! Bought chocolate scented nail polish at the chocolate museum!
OMG, there is so much I "could've " wrote about!!! Guess I just did huh??