Friday, December 26, 2008

oh, some other pics to share

Hope the holidays were good to you!

As bah humbug as I have been , I really did enjoy seeing family on Christmas Eve! Had a really good day and it was nice to see everyone. Kind of helped me with my humbuginess! ( I know that's not a real word, just humor me!) So we had the holidays with Scott's side, and my side is tomorrow. That one's the tough one...our first Christmas without Mom. I'm trying not to over think it. Just letting it be.....I know it will be hard but I also know we can get through it together. I really am lucky to have the family I have! I feel very blessed about that.

I wanted to share a couple of LO's I made today. I guess now that I have finally gotten my Christmas spirit, I'm not ready to let it go!!! Much love to all!!! Have a safe and happy New Year!

oh and the the first one is a QP by Chantal and the 2nd is a QP by Jennifer schmitt.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Time sure does fly......

wow. My nephew will be graduating in '09. Hard to believe!! Anyway, thought I'd share a LO I made with one of his senior pics. He's quite handsome wouldn't you say?? :-)He gets those great looks from his Aunt Tacie...ha ha!!!! :-) Anyhoo, used a kit from Michelle Coleman of Little Dreamer Designs called Back to Reality. It's one of my favorite kits! It's really fun to play with!! OMG, just realized he was born when I was a senior! I refuse to think I am old though! LOL!!! I'm just 18 plus alotta TAX!! ha ha!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas friends!

I know I know, bad blogger again! Sometimes it's just hard to find the time to blog. Figured I better get on here and wish all my family and friends a Very Merry Christmas!!! I've been so bad I didn't even get cards mailed out! Yes.....I feel the shame......

Anyway, aside from my shame I hope the holidays are filled with lots of love and best wishes for a New Year full of good health, joy, and great memories!

Also while I'm on here I'll share a page I did using a QP called angel breeze by Timounette. I love this pic of my niece!

Thanks for checking in with me and I appreciate your comments and emails, they always make me smile! I'm a lucky gal!! I'll try to get better at keeping up my blog! No promises though!! LOL!!
God Bless!!! Enjoy the holiday!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

just have to share...

yesterday on my pre-k bus we were talking about telescopes and this little girl said the cutest thing. She got all excited and said " I was looking through my telescope last night and I saw God! He was on a cloud! And do you know what he was wearing? Pajamas with puppies on them!"

How stinkin cute is that????? Just had to share that!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day or if not I hope this post made you smile!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Is it so hard to make a decision?

Just thought I'd share a page I made yesterday. I used a kit from Megan Farrow (Flergs) called Chase-ing Ryan. The word art came from Dirty Feet Designs aka Heather Benson.

I haven't done any actual paper scrapbooking in a long time. I miss it.....going to have to play around soon. I certainly have the supplies for it! I even bought a really cute stamp set from Stampin Up to make my Christmas cards and I just haven't felt like making cards this year. I've made cards every year for quite some time. I was at the store last night and thought I'd just buy some cards this year but then I felt guilty! So I didn't buy any. Now I can't make up my mind what to do! I asked Meg if she wanted to help me make cards and she just looked at me saying " I have to?" Then she suggested I just buy the cards. Guess I am on my own! Either way, my cards will be late this year! I usually try for the first of the month but ......will be more like right before Christmas!! Seriously, what's so hard about it?? make it or buy it??? Just do something!! We don't even have the tree up yet!!! sigh.......where's my holiday spirit????

Anyway, enough of my rambling, have a great day and thanks for checking in with me!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Just Rambling!

It's snowing again.......sigh.......OK, so Winter is here & I just gotta suck it up. If it weren't for the fact I have to be out and driving in it most of the day I wouldn't care really. I'd say Bring it on & I'd make hot cocoa & snuggle on the couch with a good book. The bright side of it all is, it is a good excuse to go shopping for some cute snow boots!! :-)

Well I had to bail on Tina to see Twilight but I did go with Angie last Monday night to see it. It was good but not near as good as the books! Plus I couldn't help but laugh at some of the scenes and especially Jasper's face through the movie. Dude only had like one line too. The make up was overdone and I missed some of the stuff from the book they didnt add in the movie. I'd actually like to see it again cause I think Angie & I missed alot cause we had the giggles so bad. ((I know, sometimes we act like 12 yr old girls or something!)) We had a good time though! :-) I just hope they do better for the 2nd movie.

I hope all my" little turkeys" had a good Thanksgiving?? Ours was Ok. It was nice to be with family and the food was great and all of that. It was just hard without Mom. I know Christmas will be even harder still. We all miss her so much and the holidays are feeling a little empty without her. I sort of felt in a daze. I'm sure it will feel that way each holiday for a very long time. Luckily I have an amazing family & together we can get through all of this.

I haven't even been in the mood to do any Christmas shopping! It's right around the corner and I am so not prepared! I have got to get busy & figure out what to get done. Megan's list is short but expensive!! I do have some ideas for my sisters but I need to get busy!

well I better get a move on....have a great day & thanks for checking in with me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Went to the Dr today, I have a sinus infection and bronchitis! YUCK! The next 2 weeks are going to be super busy so I have got to get over this junk and get better!!!!! Besides if I bail on Tina this w/e to go see TWILIGHT she's gonna be maaad!!! Plus we have an all day swim meet on Saturday. I hate being sick, I am such a whiner!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

It's snowing!

Ok, who ordered this white fluffy stuff?? Wasn't me! I'm not ready for snow! That means it's going to start being all cold and winterish! :-( sigh..... I know it is inevitable , all the trees have lost their pretty fall leaves and everything looks all gray and naked! I'm not ready for big coats and gloves! I'm not looking forward to icy roads and slushy messes. Yuck! To make it all too real, I actually have a cold too! Up all night blowing my nose! GRRRR! Oh well..........I guess in an itty bitty way, the snow is pretty. And I did enjoy seeing Megan's face light up this morning when she saw the flurries. But to hold onto the pretty Fall colors a little bit longer, I'll share some photos I took just a couple weeks ago.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

tryin to get my mojo back!

I haven't scrapped in awhile, lost my scrappin mojo! I love this pic of Megan and I found this cute QP from abcdelfscraps and the word art from Chantal. I know I am biased but look at those eyes??? Don't they just make you smile??

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a bird on the short bus

fun fun fun!! we had a bird on our pre-k bus today! LOL It was hilarious! We're going down the road and this bird comes out from under the dash area and starts flying around, the kids all start screaming and I am running around trying to catch it. I can just imagine if someone drove by and seen me! They'd be thinking "someone needs to put a helmet on that poor girl before she hurts herself!" I started laughing so hard I couldn't get to it. Finally managed to get it out. The kiddos will have a fun story to tell. One little girl said " That biwd fweaked me out! " heeeheee

I love my job...........................

hippie chic

ok, finally getting the pix posted of my little hippie chic & a couple of her buddies. she got us lots of good candy!! LOL! Although we had to cut the evening a little short since I fell in a hole! Yep, leave it to me! I was walking along a leaf covered sidewalk and fell in a hole that came up almost to my knee! So I fell and twisted my ankle. OWIE! I'm doing OK , but I was sure mad! I mean what are the odds??? someone told me it was some sort of water meter hole that the lid didnt get put back on?? I don't know.....but the city oughta do something about that! My friend that was w/ us is an EMT and she called the police and informed them about it. Luckily I didnt break my ankle!! It got caught under the sidewalk! GRR! So I guess that was my halloween trick , I would have preffered a treat! :-)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Wow.......can someone tell me where October went??? It's just crazy how fast the time goes. I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween! Meg decided she wanted to be a Hippie this year. She looks so cute in her costume! She is going to go trick or treating tonight with her friend Dalton. We're all meeting up and sending our kids to get us candy! ha ha!!!! :-) It's so weird always teach your kids to NOT take candy from strangers, and here we go sending them to their doors!! Crazy isn't it?? We usually just hit the houses we know. I've already called dibs on all the twix bars!! heehee!! Megan doesn't eat alot of candy but it's fun to go and get it! I usually dress up too but not feeling it this year. With my back hurting lately I am lucky to get dressed so I didn't even think about getting a costume.
It's so beautiful out today! Nice and sunny (and warmer! ) Gotta love it!

well better be off! I'll try and post pix soon!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm baaack!

Long time no post!! Been busy w/ work, swim stuff, stressful situations, and reading the Twilight series!! Awesome books by the way!! I want to see the movie now!! I haven't been online much at all, or done any scrapbooking either! (books must be good huh?)
Just thought I'd post to say yes I am still here!!! lol

We did end up having to put Jake to sleep. That was really hard but he was so sick & the vet said he was not going to get better. I miss him alot.

Well sorry so short, but I have alot to do today!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gammy & Megan

kit from krista hartley. I love this photo of Mom and Megan together getting a Christmas kiss!

me & the kid

I used a kit from Vinnie Pearce for this LO.

Monday, October 6, 2008

swim meet & a raccoon

well the kid now has her first swim meet under her belt....or guess I should say swim cap!! :-) It was a very long day, 10 hours!!! She did great though!! We are so proud of her! No melt downs or fusses, she was a trooper. I on the other hand was getting quite antsy towards the last few events! lol So a 10 hr meet and a 2 hr drive home ( w/ a stop at Dairy Queen of coarse!). when we got there we had a meeting for the "first time parents " of swimmers. The lady said " we have a saying for us swim parents.....if you only have one day left to live spend it at a swim meet cause those days last forever!"
heeheee........oh how little we knew when we heard that!!

After we were home and settled in I noticed we had a visitor on the back porch. The fattest raccoon I have ever seen!! I went in the kitchen and I first thought it was one of our dogs then I saw him stand up and look in at me and I kinda screamed just a little cause it took me by surprise. he just stood there looking at me. DH comes in there followed by the DD and it started walking around the porch. DH started to go outside and I said " you aren't going out there are you?" like it was some horror movie! LOL Actually I was thinking more along the lines of RV or that movie with John Candy w/ the bat? The Great Outdoors I think it was. But he assured me he was going out and to stay inside. So he grabbed his flashlight and out he went. ( I am assuming the flashlight was in case they wanted to play shadow puppets???) and came in saying it must have took off. I'm just glad we dont have bears. (I hear they really hate making shadow puppets.)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Jake's tests

well we have found out that our dog is diabetic! We have to give him an insulin shot every day now. I didn't even know dogs could be diabetic?? Turns out , yes they can! We have to take him back next week for a check up. We'll have to see if this works. Poor doggie!

Friday, October 3, 2008

feeling nostalgic

I'm really missing my Mom ALOT I decided I would make some pages of her. Doesn't keep me from crying or miss her less. But somehow in a small way it makes me feel better. It's my therapy. I have to have someplace to "go" when I am feeling like this. A place that's quiet and I can focus on creating something. I don't know how else to explain it. Thought I would share my layout.

my caramel apple angel!

Just want to say a BIG THANKS to Debbi for bringing me a delicious Pease's caramel apple yesterday after reading my blog!! I guess I was sounding desperate? LOL That was so sweet and made my day! I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Big hugs to all my peeps!!

I am so glad it's FRIDAY!! woohoo! Busy weekend ahead but that's ok. Getting new carpet in the kiddo's room tomorrow. Oh and a new dresser and new flashy bright curtains. her room is going to look like a gypsy tent! LOL!!! I'll get pics to share!!

Well I am off to look at some digi scrappin stuff before I head back to work. Have an awesome weekend!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

stress, bunnies,and hearing aides

Good morning! Or at least it's morning!! LOL I am a little stressed with work, but hey, I'm alive and kicking. Just need to destress a bit.
I still don't have a caramel apple, but I'll be OK!! :-)
I wanted to share a website with you. It's my friend Denise's. She makes yummy smelling candles and cute crafts!!
Brown Bunny Patch

Got a busy day today. After work gotta take our dog Jake to the vet. He's not looking so good. Poor baby! He's really getting scrawny and just looks like he might blow away in this Fall wind. He's getting older (he's 11) and with all his problems (seizures) I'm concerned about him. And Sadie is going deaf! Have you seen the commercials on TV for this hearing loss device, where if you wear it you can hear the TV better and even listen to your neighbors across the street??? (( I wonder if Betty has one??? heehee) . ANYWAY, Scott was saying she needs a doggie hearing aide and I suggested we buy one of those, that way she can keep up and know what ALL the b*tches in the neighborhood are up to!! ha ha!! yep, I crack myself up! C'mon, some days humor is the only thing that keeps me from curling up in the fetal position and rocking myself to sleep!

anyway, gotta head to work so HOP (heehee) on over to the Brown Bunny Patch and look at all the purdies!

and somebunny get me a caramel apple already!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

yay! It's Fall!

I absolutely love this time of year! The changing colors of the leaves, the pumpkins, the chilly breeze. Not to mention the weenie roasts ( can't forget the marshmallows too!! yummy) , snuggling up together under a warm blanket , fall festivals with crafts and caramel apples, hayrides, and Halloween. So much to do!! Ok maybe the fall weather today has me feeling a wee bit giddy! It's not like I am skipping through my yard eating a caramel apple and humming show tunes. Although...................
nope, dammit I don't have any caramel apples! Maybe tomorrow. ha ha.
ok anyway, where was I?? Oh yes babbling in my giddiness. :-) Unfortunate for me I have to go back to work in like 15 minutes. So gotta cut the babble short!
M has her first swim meet coming up. She is so nervous but looking forward to it. (wonder if they sell caramel apples there???)
Ok better get going. I have to go laugh at myself on before going back to work. So funny. Thanks Tina for getting me going on that!! We are such dorks!
So, thanks for checking in w/ us and have a great Fall day!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hump day

It's hump day. Yep that middle of the week speed bump to get over to get closer to the weekend. I am so ready for the weekend, sleeping in sounds soooo good right now! Our last real weekend to sleep in before the swim meets start and we're up and at em even on Saturdays.
Our 13th wedding anniversary is next Tuesday, maybe I can talk the hubby into taking me out for dinner this weekend since the kid will have swim practice that night. Have to think about what yummy place I want to eat at.
Things have been busy so I haven't blogged much. Things are going OK, DH is getting better everyday since surgery. He goes back to work next week. M's doing great in school and busy getting ready for her first swim meet. I'm trying to keep up w/ everyone and stay sane at work. My house needs a major cleaning but here I sit!! I don't even want to look at my scrap area!! it's too overwhelming to even think about today! whatta mess!!!
well just checking in and I made a page this morning of my friend's DD. Loved the photo and had to do something w/ it!! Great photo Heather!!! :-)
I used a kit called Back to Reality from Little Dreamer Designs.
well have a great day and thanks for stopping by!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

about a flower

This LO has taken me over 2 months to make. Not because of my usual indecision over papers and embellishments, or what goes where. Because of the emotions behind it. I wanted something very simple , something that perhaps just "speaks" to me to remind me things are OK. Every time I tried to work on it I would get emotional and close the program. Today seemed like a good day to finish it. Maybe today I needed to be "spoken" to.

ok just one more!!! heehee

I like this one, not tweeking it! LOL Love these papers!! I found them at by Corina Nielsen Designs. I used a template to start w/ but now I can't remember from where! I'll have to look!

More LO's to share!

here's a couple more I did recently. I got the kits from
she is one of my favorite designers. I love her work!!! I love the way the "moments" one turned out, the other one I may tweek a bit. Not sure if I am happy with that....I feel it may be lacking something.


Hello! Just wanted to share a LO I made yesterday of my friend's DD, isn't she gorgeous! I used a mini kit called "colorful" by claudi designs . The swirlie word art is from lollipop designs.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

catch them apples!

ok, here's a little something to do if you are bored! It reminds me of Eggomania for Atari that I used to play a s a kid, just no crazy bird! LOL!

apple season

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


sorry, couldn't think of a title for my post. :-)
Haven't been on here in awhile. Decided to mess w/ changing it up again. I just can't leave well enough alone ya know?
We've been quite the busy bees lately. Sick too, which was not fun!
Our DD made the swim team!!! YEY!! woooohoo, HOOPLAH (there I tied in my title w/ my post!!)
We are all excited about that! That's going to keep us running! 3 nights a week I think for practice and meets on the w/e's. Us busy bees will get busier I guess. As long as she enjoys herself and we get to be loud and cheer her on, we'll do it! HOOOPLAHH!! Sorry, had one more in me I had to get out! :-)
well enjoy your week everybody(that everybody includes about a total of 5 people who read my blog). Oh and let me know if ya like the new look or not. I am undecided!

Monday, August 25, 2008

don't cry over spilled milk.....right??

Ok, but what if I WANT to??? UGH! Unloading groceries today and the milk fell out of the truck and I swear it exploded all over me!! So, when did they install bombs into gallons of milk anyway?? It was quite a mess! It hit the drive which is rock(ok mostly dirt) and so I had a nice milk/dirt/rock smoothie all over my legs and my new shoes!! This after a rather stressful morning anyway. And so yes, I felt like crying over spilled milk. Anybody got cookies to go w/ that??

Thursday, August 21, 2008

one more to show off!

ok here's another LO I did today...I'm on a roll....I'm scrap happy! heehee!!! I used a template( it gives you the basic outline and you fill in w/ your own papers , embellishments and pics of coarse!) The template from
the papers and flowers are from Tiff Tillman at Little Dreamer Designs.

My adorable niece Elizabeth

yep, I used another QP for this, I know I am such a cheater today!! LOL anyway, the QP is
Created by Ellie Lash. she has awesome stuff and is listed in my favorite sites!

My nephew Wesley

I love this page!!! I used a QP by LLIELLA (Allie Llacer) from

monkey business

more Amelia pages! Done w/ a kit called monkey baby by Tina Raparanta from Really cute kit !!! and I know you have already seen the pics but I figured I'd scrap them up and show them off!! I have done good too, I actually did like 5 pages today and got them printed !! woohoo! That's a big deal for me to actually get them printed too!! LOL

scrap LO

I used a QP created by Kelley Mickus and distibuted by All Things Visual and then just added the pics and the quote and journaling. It's a quick fix!! ( a QP for my nonscrappy friends is a quick page where most of the stuff is already there! and LO means layout) It's not as fun as making your own pages but like I said, makes for a quick fix when you want to scrap something!! Or ya know, feeling lazy! LOL!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

smile in my heart

another page I made today using a kit called Smile In My Heart by Beth Nixon.

Teddy bear wrestling!

Just wanted to show off this LO I made today!!! I used a kit called renewel from Little Dreamer Designs, by Michelle Coleman. I love her kits!!! (don't those papers just make ya happy??) And I started w/ a great freebie template from Oscraps by Wendy W. cool huh??

I had alot of fun w/ this page!! Just wanted to share!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

pics of Amelia

Took these at the park too. cute cute!

more pics!

the first pic is the kiddos all tuckered out on the way back home from the creek! Then some pics at the park.


I'll have to post a couple at a time cause I can't seem to get it to work posting more than that at once today! grrr!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Death Dogs & the Lawn Mower of Doom!

Nothing says "Back to school" like a backpack w/ skulls and poodles on it!! Yep, we found the perfect backpack - which is essential for starting a new year. It's her fave color and looks really cool! we saw it at Target and she was like "That's it! That's the one I want!" it is really pretty , then I looked at it and I was like " skulls and poodles, interesting combo!" and she said " it's death poodle! beware!" So we got a good laugh and got the bag! I have to admit the black and white part does remind me of rub ons or stamps, something to do w/ scrapbooking! ( It's a sickness I know. )

And onto the lawn mower of doom.......sigh.....I went to mow today and as I was mowing along my merry way, the mower suddenly got slower, made a big BANG and started squealing and then I was engulfed in ALOT and I mean ALOT of smoke!!! It was crazy!!! It was making this awful noise and the smoke was just rolling! I was like " Oh no it's gonna blow!" and jumped off and sprinted for the house thinking if it actually caught fire I was screwed and would be calling 911. Scott of coarse isn't here, he's working out of town today. I called his friend , he asked me if I went to see if it would start again, are you kidding me? I am too damn scared to go back out there!! So after laughing at me he gave me his best diagnosis and then I called Scott. What should I say?? "hey honey, do you know how much I looove you?? I blew up your mower!" So I just told him how nice it was of me to try and mow the yard but something I told him my frightful story and he just laughed at first, before the realization set in that we now have to buy a new mower. All Megan had to say was " Cool!! you really blew up the mower????" To which I had to explain that it's not literally blown into pieces in the backyard! Then it was less exciting. was enough excitement for me!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

check this out

check out the funny font video on her blog!! heehee! It's that stupid humor that always gets me....

Thursday, July 31, 2008

bloggity blog!

wow look at me go today! LOL ! I posted more than once AND changed up my whole page! woot woot! Oh which reminds me....someone asked me why my blog is named Just Scrap Happy. well it's not saying "oh hey just scrap the happy stuff....." cause ya gotta scrap whatever you want, the good the bad and the ugly if you want to! Nor does it mean you have to be happy to scrap, cause sometimes when you are blue it's therapeutic to scrap! What it means is sometimes when I get all caught up in a sort of scrappin frenzy(hee hee) I'll say " Oh, I'm Just Scrap happy today! " Kinda like slap happy I guess...... so there ya go! (or today I could be considered "blog happy!"

But I suppose you can interpret the meaning of just scrap happy anyway you like!!

OH!! I got a surprise today!! My Dad called and said he was coming over...he brought me a present!! (I'm doing the "I got a present dance!!") he saw this paper cutter on TV and thought I would like it for scrapbooking!! It has the lit up back so you can see what you are cutting better and all kinds of different blades for straight or curvy or zig zaggety lines! woohoo! It's cool!! I almost cried! so sweet of him! So yes, I have been singing and bopping around " my daddy got me a present my daddy got me a present! heehee. I know, sometimes I act 5 instead of 35 but oh well! sometimes, not always, but sometimes 5 is way more fun!
Oh yeah and guess what else??? Megan's friend is spending the night again and there's a chance we might have her all w/e. Oh my I will be slap happy from sleep deprivation! ha ha! No, I'll put away my 5 yr old ways now and come back to my reality of 35 and if I have to use the mean mommy stuff again I will darnit! Scott of coarse is working like a DOG and hasn't been home and I doubt I see him until sunday . sigh..... oh my gosh it is almost midnight!! Better get the hoodlems to calm down a I have benedryl??? hmmmmm...just kidding! :-) Actually they are playing quite nicely so hopefully they are worn out a bit already. remember those days?? Having a friend over and staying up late? even after it was lights out and all in bed? You'd still sit there and whisper and giggle and maybe play barbies or sneak a snack? good times....good times.....
ok, sorry I took a trip down memory lane there...Heather and Tina, you know what I am talking about! remember my barbie 's were fancy and had a pool! (mom's big green tupperware bowl!)
ok, seriously now I better go!!
Thanks for reading my babble if you made it to the end here, congrats!! No prizes will be awarded unfortunately , but if you were bored it gave you something to read. :-)

Ang & me

Ok here's a page I figured I might as well show off too!!
I got this kit from Little Dreamer Designs , it's called wildflower, from

I love this kit!!! I think the page turned out pretty too. :-)

Tina & me

just a page I did today of Tina & me! I used a kit from
Little Dreamer Designs Collaborative Kit
created by Lauren Reid.

It didn't come w/ the arrows, I made them in PSE3 w/
the papers from the kit. Just a funky little page!
Thought I'd share! :-)