I absolutely love this time of year! The changing colors of the leaves, the pumpkins, the chilly breeze. Not to mention the weenie roasts ( can't forget the marshmallows too!! yummy) , snuggling up together under a warm blanket , fall festivals with crafts and caramel apples, hayrides, and Halloween. So much to do!! Ok maybe the fall weather today has me feeling a wee bit giddy! It's not like I am skipping through my yard eating a caramel apple and humming show tunes. Although...................
nope, dammit I don't have any caramel apples! Maybe tomorrow. ha ha.
ok anyway, where was I?? Oh yes babbling in my giddiness. :-) Unfortunate for me I have to go back to work in like 15 minutes. So gotta cut the babble short!
M has her first swim meet coming up. She is so nervous but looking forward to it. (wonder if they sell caramel apples there???)
Ok better get going. I have to go laugh at myself on yearbookyourself.com before going back to work. So funny. Thanks Tina for getting me going on that!! We are such dorks!
So, thanks for checking in w/ us and have a great Fall day!!!
You are so funny! You have created a perfect picture of fall. D