Friday, February 27, 2009

Let's dish!

well, does anyone watch American Idol?? I love that show!! I have a few I like so far, in fact I think so far who's in the top 12 is right on. I really like Allison, Kris, Adam and Danny. Think it will be a great season. Not sure if I like the new way it's all playing out though. Glad that Tatiana Nicole Del Toro is gone, cause she was spazzy and conceded! She did remind me of this girl Shayla I used to work with. But not in a bad way. There were some I was glad to see go and some I was sad they went already. or maybe I should describe my feelings like
"yo dawg, that wasn't good for me man. I was like no no no dawg. No man that wasn't good yo. Ah dawg "

or maybe Paula
" Um, you yyou, um, I I I love you , but I I don't know if that was the the right ssssong choice ffor you. Um (shrugging) Sorry, but I do llllloove you."

or Cara
" you have a beautiful instrument and you blew me away in auditions but this wasn't good for me. You have more talent than that performance. "

or simon
"that was bloody awful! I mean what were you thinking? what a disaster. You have just ruined your chances. Stop booing me people."

The deal is Paula is too nice to really give criticism . Simon is more Blunt than a mallet, Cara is really really serious about "instruments" and "chops" and "pipes." And randy is well, his vocab is limited to lots of "yo's" and "dawg's" and "nah Man's"............. but hey this is only MY OPINION !! which of coarse means diddly squat. doesn't mean I dislike any of them, just dishing about Idol!!! and well it is MY blog so I can write whatever I want right?? Like "the moon is filled with custard." or "monkeys with colored butts freak me out a little."

Anyway, I will be watching to see what happens!! And for the record I think Adam is sexy in a wicked kind of way! As Hiedi said about Adam " I sniff a whiff of gayness from Adam". But who cares????

Oh, I think you all know the song "This Kiss" by Faith Hill??? Well as I was getting ready this morning I heard Megan in her room serenading the cat. She had a bit of a twist on the original version, her's went something like " this cat this cat! Is beautiful! This cat this cat! Is furryful! This cat this cat, is irritable!" I about choked on my darn toothbrush it was so funny! Well I think it's funny, but she is my daughter after all so maybe not everyone thinks it's as cute as I do.
Laugh anyway or you'll be on my "list". LOL!!!

Well have a good day , TGIF!!!!! woohoo! It's a 3 day w/e to boot! (suddenly I have the chorus to "I'm so excited!" in my head......)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

a whole bus of pee wee's!

WELL, just an update, apparently the kids find it funny that everytime little boy "A" says my name then screams like Pee wee Herman, that they TOO start screaming at me like Pee wee Herman. It can be rather difficult to persuade a group of 3 & 4 yr olds that this isn't particularly funny. Especially since I don't have my full voice right now and I am trying to get them all to listen. I finally gave up and just started talking about ice cream flavors and they were all about talking some ice cream!!

well I figured I'd post this survey on here that I did for myspace since I got lots of people telling me they loved it! I was in one of my crazy sarcastic moods! Yes , yes I know, I have LOTS of moods, this is why I refuse to wear a mood ring. I fear it may spontaneously combust from the rapid switching of my moods thus creating some sort of black hole or vortex or whatever.
anyhoo, here it be!

Is your phone on vibrate or loud?
Both , I need to be able to hear the darn thing and things that vibrate make me giggle.

What is on your mind?
what Heather and I should go break after downin a bottle of tequilla.
Also pondering whether or not to write a book (angie's idea) ( hey Heather suggested going to break things and drinking, I'm just playin along!)

What were you doing at 8:45 am this morning?
driving my work van. It's like a short bus only a van.......

What will you be doing tomorrow?
I was thinking of flying a kite with kittens and butterflies on it then catching a late afternoon musical. I HAVE TO FREAKIN WORK.

Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Being SICK!! and being w/o a debit card since mine was "compromised" whatever that means.....was it caught in a compromising postion w/ another debit card from a different bank???

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
took cold meds and imagined midgets on tricycles singing Black Betty.

whoa black betty bam da lam

Do you have a best friend?
yep I got some pretty awesome peeps!

Who was the last person who called you?
I can't remember.................Oh yeah sherry called me last night.

What time did you wake up this morning?
when the midget fell of the tricycle. (Although I have to admit, midget sounds weird. I think they should just be called "fun sized".

whoa black betty bam da lam, black betty had a child bam da lam the damn things gone wild bam da lam
sorry the song is stuck in my head~

Are you excited about anything today​?
not so much. Oh wait , Lost is on tonight I think.....we like to watch that and then bitch cause we dont understand half of it!

Have you broken the law in the past 3 days?
breakin the law breakin the law........(air guitar solo) breakin the law breakin the law I can't remember any other words to the song??? LOL No I think I'm good. I can't recall being an outlaw over the last few days. Although there was this one thing..................................No wait, that was just morally incorrect not illegal. nevermind.

What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was naked in the yard w/ a hula hoop, a pint of cherry garcia ice cream and a pit bull.

When is your birthday?
Jan 18th, in the coldest month!

Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Spose to go scrapbooking w/ Angie if I feel like it.
she said even if I am still sick I have to go, I said fine but you better bring some good drugs!

Is anyone on your bad side right now?
(looking to the left and the right) no I am alone right now.

When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
I dont have any brothers, and I havent talked to my sisters since Megan's b-day party.
Unless emailing counts??????

When is the last time you saw number four on your top friends?
Um, I think that would be Tasha. I saw her last year and that's all I want to say about that cause it'll make me sad.

What is the last thing that you swallowed?
Lol, such a question.........Ok, if you must know......cookies, chips ahoy to be exact.

Do certain songs remind you of certain people?

What is your name?
Tacie, but my rapper name is Tasty T.

Is there a girl you can tell anyth​ing to?
yeah, and some that tell me more than I need to know......LOL

Could you last in a relationship for over a year?
Gosh I hope so, since I've been married for 13 years.

What do you hear?
the voices in my head telling me to fill the tub w/ jello .

What would you do if your best friend turned gay?
LOL, actually that did happen to me once back in the day! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we're still friends even though I tease her about wearing flannel softball uniforms.
heehee She knows I am a smart ass!

Is there anyone that always makes you smile when you talk to them?
OMG, yeah I have lots of peeps like that!!!! I am lucky to be surrounded by a few that are just as warped as me.

Are you afraid to grow up?
No, I am afraid of spiders, public restrooms, clowns and the occasional awkward moment when you are in public and you realized you just farted really loud.

Something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
well duh, so let's not talk about it ok?

Do you like to travel by plane?
if I have to !! it's not so bad once I get over the whole feeling like I am gonna hurl up my guts

Do you like your life as of now?
why yes I do!!! :-)

Do you drink coffee?
sometimes. But Tina won't let me have coffee candy.
She's such a winch!

Do you crack your knuckles?
sometimes, and I don't even hit anybody doing it.

Who was the last person that messaged you on MySpace?
David I think

What do you think of your number 2 on your top friends? Angie?
She's a total dork that makes me laugh til I cry and she's a wonderful friend!

have an awesome day and thanks for checking in w/ me!!!

out of the mouths of babes....

Ok just gotta share my little story from yesterday on my pre-k route. Well I have missed a few days of work due to having Megan home w/ a sinus infection....ANYWAY, whenever I have been MIA and show back up all the lil buggers are so happy to see me they all want to crowd around me and all talk at once to me. I am flooded w/ "where have you been?" will you be here tomorrow?" and "I missed you!" and they all have great things to tell me about their 3,4, and 5 yr lives! it is really sweet!!!! Well onto my story, there's this one little boy "Z" who is the cutest , sweetest and the most well behaved kid on the bus I swear! He gets on and sees me and wants to sit w/ me (awe!). He speaks in the quietest little angel voice! well along the way the 2 kids across from us decide they want to sing for after choruses of "the itsy bitsy spider" and "dora the explorer" Z taps me on the arm and says very sweetly( through his toothless grin, he's missing 4 top teeth) that he wants to sing me a song I say Ok of coarse and he clears his throat and sweetly starts singing " I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny that when a girl walks in w/ an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung."

Ok, now how am I suppose to keep a straight face????? I start giggling and he looks at me and says "what? I like that song!" I just told him I liked it to and thanked him for the song.
What can I say?? I mean when my charming daughter was 5 she came running out of her room w/ balloons in her pants singing " I gotta big but and and I cannot lie" and proceeds to shake her big ole balloon butt and smack herself on the rear. sigh......I don't know where she got that from. (silence from all of you!!!!) I know alot of you already know that story and have made comments.....none of which I am repeating.

Anyway that just made me laugh so thought I would share. I also had one boy who probably said my name about 100 times follwed w/ me asking" what?" and him screaming like pee wee herman. Now I better get going because my pre-k route starts in about 30 mins........hard telling what will happen today??????

Monday, February 23, 2009

Here a Blog, there a Blog....

Hello my lovely scrap happy blog readers!! ( I know there's a few of you out there!!) Just thought I would share a few digital scrapbooking blogs that I discovered today. Great for inspiration!!!

WM[squared] Designs

pure scrap designs

polka dot plum blog

They have some really great layouts, well at least I think they do!! Just thought I would share for my fellow scrappers!

I have a sick kid home today. Poor baby has a nasty cold! She's been sick since Friday, and even though she's feeling icky she still did well for her swim meet on Saturday. She totally rocked the breast stroke!! Came in 2nd in her heat! woohoo for Megan!!!

The auto repair shop came and towed away the blazer, probably won't have it back til the 2nd week in March! yikes! $2500 worth of damage, hope the deer fared better! Thank God we didn't get hurt!

Better go, the kid is wanting some Mom time! Have a great week & thanks for checking in!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oh deer!

Yep, I hit a deer Saturday night. Seriously, what else is there to do on a Saturday night in these neck of the woods??? don't answer that...........and it was Valentine's Day no less!
Luckily we didn't get hurt but I can't say the same for my poor Trailblazer, it's gonna need some major TLC. sigh....... I am just VERY thankful we're fine! It could have been much worse!!

On to a much better topic, we had Megan's Birthday Bash this w/e! We took her and 6 of her friends to a glow in the dark mini golf place. They had so much fun!! The slumber party that followed was full of drama of the tween kind from a couple of the girls. All in all though we survived the night( with a few tears and some threatening to call parents!) I am in no hurry for another slumber party though!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snow Fort

Just had to share some photos I took yesterday. Scott and Megan were building a snow fort yesterday while I went to visit Tina. I took a couple of pics of them before I left, they were just starting it. When I got home they were about finsished and I busted up laughing! Megan comes crawling out of the fort and I see that she is wrapped in plastic! She has on a white garbage bag that looked like a skirt then black plastic wrapped and taped around her legs. I just started laughing and said " why is our child wrapped in plastic bags???" Scott said he did it to keep her dry. Oh, Ok, great idea!!!! Fashionable & functional. heehee. It was just so cute! :-) They did a great job on the fort, I crawled in briefly as I am not one for laying in the snow and enjoying it! brrrr! and I wasn't wrapped in plastic so I got wet. So anyway, thought I'd share some pics!!!