Yep, I hit a deer Saturday night. Seriously, what else is there to do on a Saturday night in these neck of the woods??? don't answer that...........and it was Valentine's Day no less!
Luckily we didn't get hurt but I can't say the same for my poor Trailblazer, it's gonna need some major TLC. sigh....... I am just VERY thankful we're fine! It could have been much worse!!
On to a much better topic, we had Megan's Birthday Bash this w/e! We took her and 6 of her friends to a glow in the dark mini golf place. They had so much fun!! The slumber party that followed was full of drama of the tween kind from a couple of the girls. All in all though we survived the night( with a few tears and some threatening to call parents!) I am in no hurry for another slumber party though!!!
thank god you guys are o.k. that is the freekiest when it is over you still can't get over how fast it happens! tell megan i said Hi! Annette