Monday, March 2, 2009

Random musings from me

First off I have learned a few things this past weekend (not exactly in the order given)

1. Beer and cake don't mix.
2. Drunk texting is not a coherent form of communication.
3. Before calling 911 make sure your carbon monoxide detector has a new battery.
4. My bedroom looks really small when filled with firemen.
5. When going to get your hair cut at a place that offers $5 haircuts , don't be surprised the place looks like a dive & smells weird.
6. When your bedroom is filled with firemen make a calendar for your mother-in-law so she doesn't chew you out for not doing so.
7. When you have a cell phone that isn't working and you can see who's calling or texting but can't answer it or read it, it's like putting a steak in front of a hungry person and telling them they can smell it but can't eat it.

so there you have it, busy w/e I have had. I suppose you are wondering about the firemen.........well Saturday the Carbon M detector was going off non stop and showed a reading of 255 . I called someone I know who is a fireman and he said I should call 911. So I did. And then like 5 ? trucks showed up and I lost count of the firemen. ANYWAY, everything was fine, they said the battery must be bad. Ok, I feel like an ass. I got a new battery though and it turns out the detector is just junk. They don't know this though and probably just thought I was a dummy with a bad battery. My MIL Jennifer thinks it's hilarious and crazy to have a bedroom full of men and not take pics and make a firefighter calendar for HER. Yeah like that would have made me look smarter. "Um while you are all here, do you mind posing for me?? A few of you get on the bed....."

sigh......yeah bet that would've been a great idea........Oh well, gave the neighbors something to gossip about right????

Oh and about the haircut. I decided to try a new place...........oh my.......what can I say? Where do I begin?? Should I start w/ the funky smell??? The 70's decor?? Or maybe the redneck butt crack signs??? hhmmmm......well my first gut impulse was to bolt as fast as possible. But I was feeling a bit reckless, a little "Thelma and Louise" ( remember my "moods") so I decided to stay even though Megan was whispering " Mommy I'm a little scared." So I let the very excited lady cut my hair. And ya know what? I love it!!! Turns out just cause the hairdresser's not sane doesn't mean she doesn't cut hair like pro!

Anyway I have to run, family's hungry and I gotta get dinner ready. (why are men so grumpy when they are hungry?)


  1. THAT is frickin hilarious!
    > oh don;t worry about the firemen (since I live with one) they are very aware the general public is not always on top of their game, but that;s what they are there for. At least you didnt wake them up in the middle of the night...they hate that!
    > and whyyyyyy would Jen want a calendar of THOSE firemen?? get a good calendar of the fake fireman/underwear models. YUMMIER then the real ones! DUH

  2. All I can say is…OMG! I wanna know about the drunk texting and beer and cake!


  3. you have me cracking up!!!!!!!

