Friday, February 27, 2009
Let's dish!
"yo dawg, that wasn't good for me man. I was like no no no dawg. No man that wasn't good yo. Ah dawg "
or maybe Paula
" Um, you yyou, um, I I I love you , but I I don't know if that was the the right ssssong choice ffor you. Um (shrugging) Sorry, but I do llllloove you."
or Cara
" you have a beautiful instrument and you blew me away in auditions but this wasn't good for me. You have more talent than that performance. "
or simon
"that was bloody awful! I mean what were you thinking? what a disaster. You have just ruined your chances. Stop booing me people."
The deal is Paula is too nice to really give criticism . Simon is more Blunt than a mallet, Cara is really really serious about "instruments" and "chops" and "pipes." And randy is well, his vocab is limited to lots of "yo's" and "dawg's" and "nah Man's"............. but hey this is only MY OPINION !! which of coarse means diddly squat. doesn't mean I dislike any of them, just dishing about Idol!!! and well it is MY blog so I can write whatever I want right?? Like "the moon is filled with custard." or "monkeys with colored butts freak me out a little."
Anyway, I will be watching to see what happens!! And for the record I think Adam is sexy in a wicked kind of way! As Hiedi said about Adam " I sniff a whiff of gayness from Adam". But who cares????
Oh, I think you all know the song "This Kiss" by Faith Hill??? Well as I was getting ready this morning I heard Megan in her room serenading the cat. She had a bit of a twist on the original version, her's went something like " this cat this cat! Is beautiful! This cat this cat! Is furryful! This cat this cat, is irritable!" I about choked on my darn toothbrush it was so funny! Well I think it's funny, but she is my daughter after all so maybe not everyone thinks it's as cute as I do.
Laugh anyway or you'll be on my "list". LOL!!!
Well have a good day , TGIF!!!!! woohoo! It's a 3 day w/e to boot! (suddenly I have the chorus to "I'm so excited!" in my head......)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
a whole bus of pee wee's!
well I figured I'd post this survey on here that I did for myspace since I got lots of people telling me they loved it! I was in one of my crazy sarcastic moods! Yes , yes I know, I have LOTS of moods, this is why I refuse to wear a mood ring. I fear it may spontaneously combust from the rapid switching of my moods thus creating some sort of black hole or vortex or whatever.
anyhoo, here it be!
Is your phone
Both , I need to be able to hear the darn thing
What is on your mind?
what Heath
Also ponde
What were you doing
What will you be doing
I was think
What is the last thing
took cold meds and imagi
whoa black
Do you have a best frien
yep I got some prett
Who was the last perso
I can'
What time did you wake up this morni
when the midge
whoa black
Are you excit
not so much.
Have you broke
What were you doing
I was naked
When is your birth
Jan 18th,
Do you have any plans
she said even if I am still
Is anyon
When did you last talk to your broth
I dont have any broth