wow look at me go today! LOL ! I posted more than once AND changed up my whole page! woot woot! Oh which reminds me....someone asked me why my blog is named Just Scrap Happy. well it's not saying "oh hey just scrap the happy stuff....." cause ya gotta scrap whatever you want, the good the bad and the ugly if you want to! Nor does it mean you have to be happy to scrap, cause sometimes when you are blue it's therapeutic to scrap! What it means is sometimes when I get all caught up in a sort of scrappin frenzy(hee hee) I'll say " Oh, I'm Just Scrap happy today! " Kinda like slap happy I guess...... so there ya go! (or today I could be considered "blog happy!"
But I suppose you can interpret the meaning of just scrap happy anyway you like!!
OH!! I got a surprise today!! My Dad called and said he was coming over...he brought me a present!! (I'm doing the "I got a present dance!!") he saw this paper cutter on TV and thought I would like it for scrapbooking!! It has the lit up back so you can see what you are cutting better and all kinds of different blades for straight or curvy or zig zaggety lines! woohoo! It's cool!! I almost cried! so sweet of him! So yes, I have been singing and bopping around " my daddy got me a present my daddy got me a present! heehee. I know, sometimes I act 5 instead of 35 but oh well! sometimes, not always, but sometimes 5 is way more fun!
Oh yeah and guess what else??? Megan's friend is spending the night again and there's a chance we might have her all w/e. Oh my I will be slap happy from sleep deprivation! ha ha! No, I'll put away my 5 yr old ways now and come back to my reality of 35 and if I have to use the mean mommy stuff again I will darnit! Scott of coarse is working like a DOG and hasn't been home and I doubt I see him until sunday . sigh..... oh my gosh it is almost midnight!! Better get the hoodlems to calm down a I have benedryl??? hmmmmm...just kidding! :-) Actually they are playing quite nicely so hopefully they are worn out a bit already. remember those days?? Having a friend over and staying up late? even after it was lights out and all in bed? You'd still sit there and whisper and giggle and maybe play barbies or sneak a snack? good times....good times.....
ok, sorry I took a trip down memory lane there...Heather and Tina, you know what I am talking about! remember my barbie 's were fancy and had a pool! (mom's big green tupperware bowl!)
ok, seriously now I better go!!
Thanks for reading my babble if you made it to the end here, congrats!! No prizes will be awarded unfortunately , but if you were bored it gave you something to read. :-)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ang & me
Tina & me
Sleepover? Megan had her friend Abbey over last night for a sleepover. Altho, calling it a sleepover would imply there's sleeping involved! So a stay-over. I had to put on my mean mommy face and use my mean mommy voice at 5 AM!!!!!!! Ugh! Are you kidding me??? I threatened a good long grounding if they didn't go to bed NOW. Especially since I had told them at 1 they needed to go to bed. Anyway the look on my daughter's face was pure fear and I had to try not to laugh. Yes I was angry because I was awaken at 5 AM by fits of laughter & came out to find the LR trashed w/ toys, slim jim wrappers and kool aid bursts. BUT I also remember doing the same thing at her age!! My mom was even brave enough to let me have slumber parties quite often where we'd try and stay up til dawn! ( I've allowed 1 so far and that my friend was good enough to last me for a long long time!) Anyway, I got over being mad after they finally got settled and apologies were said and promises to pick up the mess were made. I figure this is life and maybe a little payback from my mom! Nothing's broken, ruined or missing. It's summer and I didn't have to get up and go to work. They are peacefully sleeping now and I have a quiet house for the moment. So no harm done I suppose. Plus it got me thinking about all my late nighters as a kid and all my childhood friends and our goofy things we did. In fact...some of those childhood friends are still my friends today and how wonderful is that??????
But maybe the next stay-over should be at Abbey's house.
But maybe the next stay-over should be at Abbey's house.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Little Miss Millie!
cousins & the gator
busy busy!
wow, finally getting the chance to sit down and write. phew, been busy! Last week my SIL and her 3 kidlets were over and spent the night...that was fun!!! :-) Altho, I have to admit just about EVERY time I went to hold that baby niece of mine she would cry !! I couldn't believe it! I'm usually awesome w/ babies.....but not this one! I lost my touch! she hates me!! Ok, yes over reacting a tad bit there......babies sometimes just cry for everyone but their mama. Still, it's a kick in the ole "Aunt ego." sigh.......... oh well, I did get to have a little girlie time w/Elizabeth in the pool. she's a hoot! Meg was a wee bit jealous sharing mama tho. (I have been TRYING to post pics on here of the kids but can't get it to work today. Try again later. )
Oh and Fri night and all day Sat I went to a crop w/ Angie.....had A LOT of fun! Thanks Angie for some girl time , scrapping & Starbucks!!!! Much needed break from reality & darn good coffee. :-) You rock sistah!
Then sun was a little family get together w/ dad. Nice to see my sisters and their posse's! it is still very weird being over there w/o mom there. I know we all miss her terribly, especially dad. One day at a time right???
Ok before I make myself cry thinking about all that, better change the subject!!
it's almost back to school time! Less than 3 weeks!! where did the summer go?? Goes so so SO fast! Meg will be back to school and I will be back to work dealing w/ screaming kids. oh the joy.
I get so spoiled being able to be a SAHM during the summer. Makes it hard to go back but gotta do whatcha gotta do! :-) it's not like it's ALL bad.........really..........
Was thinking we should have a back to school party but not sure. we'll see....
anyhoo.....have a great day, thanks for checking in w/ me, & I will try to post some pics!! tootles!
Oh and Fri night and all day Sat I went to a crop w/ Angie.....had A LOT of fun! Thanks Angie for some girl time , scrapping & Starbucks!!!! Much needed break from reality & darn good coffee. :-) You rock sistah!
Then sun was a little family get together w/ dad. Nice to see my sisters and their posse's! it is still very weird being over there w/o mom there. I know we all miss her terribly, especially dad. One day at a time right???
Ok before I make myself cry thinking about all that, better change the subject!!
it's almost back to school time! Less than 3 weeks!! where did the summer go?? Goes so so SO fast! Meg will be back to school and I will be back to work dealing w/ screaming kids. oh the joy.
I get so spoiled being able to be a SAHM during the summer. Makes it hard to go back but gotta do whatcha gotta do! :-) it's not like it's ALL bad.........really..........
Was thinking we should have a back to school party but not sure. we'll see....
anyhoo.....have a great day, thanks for checking in w/ me, & I will try to post some pics!! tootles!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I'm having one of those days where I feel like I am wandering around in the dark and can't find a flashlight! grrrrr! Ever feel like that? I'm just Blah. In a fog. Ick. Probably a combination of not enough sleep, PMS, and overthinking stuff.
Anybody got a light???
You know as I sit here typing away and wallowing in my blahness......I can't help but feel guilty. I mean seriously, why on Earth would I be whiney? I'm thinking about all our soldiers in Iraq and thinking how I'm sure they'd love to be at home dealing w/ being tired, pms, and overthinking stuff instead of dealing w/ life and death situations.
Shame on me!
Guess I found my flashlight.
Anybody got a light???
You know as I sit here typing away and wallowing in my blahness......I can't help but feel guilty. I mean seriously, why on Earth would I be whiney? I'm thinking about all our soldiers in Iraq and thinking how I'm sure they'd love to be at home dealing w/ being tired, pms, and overthinking stuff instead of dealing w/ life and death situations.
Shame on me!
Guess I found my flashlight.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
summer cuteness

yes, I have been a bad blogger lately......been too busy! Just on here to share a digi layout I made. Summer Cuteness is my adorable nephew Zachy! I used a kit by ANDRÉIA MENEGASSI CREATIONS called fun summer doodles.
That's all for now....I promised my DD we'd make cookies & go swimming!! Then hopefully I'll get a chance to play w/ some new digi kits I found! woohoo!
Hope you have a great day & thanks for stopping by!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Mom & Meg Monday!( & a story)
Monday Monday Monday!!!
yep, it's Mom and Meg Monday! :-) After a busy w/e and dad's back to work it's our day to play! I think summer's the only time I enjoy Mondays! LOL
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday w/e. We sure did, we went and saw fireworks and Kung Fu Panda on Friday night at the drive in. I hadn't been to a drive in since I was a teenager and Megan's never been so it was cool. The fireworks were awesome & the movie was cute. Saturday we had a b-day party we went to for my niece Kayla & Sun we just hung out in the pool and did house cleaning. Today's play day! woohoo!
I was thinking how nice it would be to go get a massage..............ahhh relaxing....... then I remembered the one I had last year for Mother's Day. Not so relaxing. I was in the "rainforest" themed room, which was cool, plants all around, fake birds, stuffed monkeys, a mini water fountain in the corner. You get all ready and lay there in the dark and then the themed music starts......which at first is nice.......soothing sounds of the rainforest and just when you are nice and relaxed and almost ready to fall asleep here comes a thunderstorm....Ok that's fine< i can sleep when it rains......But then....birds...and not quiet birds but the sound of a hungry bird looking for a kill....the sound that about me jump off the massage table! Then there's other then you are laying there thinking"How in the hell am I suppose to relax when I am alone in the rainforest at night in a thunderstorm being stalked by large snakes, chimps , man eating birds and God knows what else?????" Then to top it off the massage wasn't that great and listening to the rainforest and the water fountain just made me want to pee.
Ok, so maybe I don't want a massage now.
Or at least not in the rainforest room.
yep, it's Mom and Meg Monday! :-) After a busy w/e and dad's back to work it's our day to play! I think summer's the only time I enjoy Mondays! LOL
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday w/e. We sure did, we went and saw fireworks and Kung Fu Panda on Friday night at the drive in. I hadn't been to a drive in since I was a teenager and Megan's never been so it was cool. The fireworks were awesome & the movie was cute. Saturday we had a b-day party we went to for my niece Kayla & Sun we just hung out in the pool and did house cleaning. Today's play day! woohoo!
I was thinking how nice it would be to go get a massage..............ahhh relaxing....... then I remembered the one I had last year for Mother's Day. Not so relaxing. I was in the "rainforest" themed room, which was cool, plants all around, fake birds, stuffed monkeys, a mini water fountain in the corner. You get all ready and lay there in the dark and then the themed music starts......which at first is nice.......soothing sounds of the rainforest and just when you are nice and relaxed and almost ready to fall asleep here comes a thunderstorm....Ok that's fine< i can sleep when it rains......But then....birds...and not quiet birds but the sound of a hungry bird looking for a kill....the sound that about me jump off the massage table! Then there's other then you are laying there thinking"How in the hell am I suppose to relax when I am alone in the rainforest at night in a thunderstorm being stalked by large snakes, chimps , man eating birds and God knows what else?????" Then to top it off the massage wasn't that great and listening to the rainforest and the water fountain just made me want to pee.
Ok, so maybe I don't want a massage now.
Or at least not in the rainforest room.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy 4th!
Hello! Just blogging for a bit before it gets busy around here! I did take Meg to see some fireworks tonight. It was fun.....considering I wasn't real sure where to park so we found what I thought was a GREAT spot and we sat there and the fireworks started and we were like YAY! & then they stopped.......and started about 10 mins later....and stopped. We were like what's the deal??? ANYHOO......long story short the fireworks started a different spot....we were watching fireworks somebody was setting off at their house! LOL oops! We ended up still having a good spot ( and a good laugh!) aside from a tree blocking the view for the lower ones. We sat there and laughed & I was like yep, leave it to your silly mama!
I absolutely love fireworks! Of coarse nothing around here can be compared to the ones we saw at Disney! Those are awesome! But stuff around here is cool too, and I love to have sparklers!
well, I'm off, have a great 4th of July weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!
I absolutely love fireworks! Of coarse nothing around here can be compared to the ones we saw at Disney! Those are awesome! But stuff around here is cool too, and I love to have sparklers!
well, I'm off, have a great 4th of July weekend!! Thanks for stopping by!
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