Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Went to the Dr today, I have a sinus infection and bronchitis! YUCK! The next 2 weeks are going to be super busy so I have got to get over this junk and get better!!!!! Besides if I bail on Tina this w/e to go see TWILIGHT she's gonna be maaad!!! Plus we have an all day swim meet on Saturday. I hate being sick, I am such a whiner!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's snowing!

Ok, who ordered this white fluffy stuff?? Wasn't me! I'm not ready for snow! That means it's going to start being all cold and winterish! :-( sigh..... I know it is inevitable , all the trees have lost their pretty fall leaves and everything looks all gray and naked! I'm not ready for big coats and gloves! I'm not looking forward to icy roads and slushy messes. Yuck! To make it all too real, I actually have a cold too! Up all night blowing my nose! GRRRR! Oh well..........I guess in an itty bitty way, the snow is pretty. And I did enjoy seeing Megan's face light up this morning when she saw the flurries. But to hold onto the pretty Fall colors a little bit longer, I'll share some photos I took just a couple weeks ago.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
tryin to get my mojo back!

I haven't scrapped in awhile, lost my scrappin mojo! I love this pic of Megan and I found this cute QP from abcdelfscraps and the word art from Chantal. I know I am biased but look at those eyes??? Don't they just make you smile??
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
a bird on the short bus
fun fun fun!! we had a bird on our pre-k bus today! LOL It was hilarious! We're going down the road and this bird comes out from under the dash area and starts flying around, the kids all start screaming and I am running around trying to catch it. I can just imagine if someone drove by and seen me! They'd be thinking "someone needs to put a helmet on that poor girl before she hurts herself!" I started laughing so hard I couldn't get to it. Finally managed to get it out. The kiddos will have a fun story to tell. One little girl said " That biwd fweaked me out! " heeeheee
I love my job...........................
I love my job...........................
hippie chic

ok, finally getting the pix posted of my little hippie chic & a couple of her buddies. she got us lots of good candy!! LOL! Although we had to cut the evening a little short since I fell in a hole! Yep, leave it to me! I was walking along a leaf covered sidewalk and fell in a hole that came up almost to my knee! So I fell and twisted my ankle. OWIE! I'm doing OK , but I was sure mad! I mean what are the odds??? someone told me it was some sort of water meter hole that the lid didnt get put back on?? I don't know.....but the city oughta do something about that! My friend that was w/ us is an EMT and she called the police and informed them about it. Luckily I didnt break my ankle!! It got caught under the sidewalk! GRR! So I guess that was my halloween trick , I would have preffered a treat! :-)
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