I guess Season's Greetings are in order! :-) I am actually almost ready this year....no last minute shopping on the 24th this year!! No tree up yet, hopefully SOON. I am ready to wrap presents ( I want my closets back!! )
Oh before I forget, Megan made student of the month for October! Isn't that cool?? I am so proud of her, she is doing so well in school and making new friends. Yay Megan!! :-)
My friend Tammy had her baby , Isabella Ann, on Sunday, she's so cuuuute!! Congrats Tammy!!
Not much else to tell on the homefront. Things are going well. I hosted Thanksgiving this year for the first time. I think it went well....it was nice to be with my family and I enjoyed it. Didn't have much left over turkey so I guess Scott did a good job!!
Gotta run, going to be late for work if I don't get a move on!! Love to all!